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Spread The Word

At Perfecting Faith Church, we believe that all members are working members. God can move mightily through you, as you serve and advance the Kingdom.

Want to invite someone to church?

Click, download and share these social images to spread the word.


If you are located in the New York Tri-State area, we invite you to sign up and volunteer in our weekly local pantry efforts in both Freeport, NY and Harlem, NYC.

Coat Drive

Get Involved by participating in our annual coat drive.

Food Distribution

You can also participate in our weekly Food Pantry. Each week we serve 600+ individuals within our community.

Annual Holiday Feast

We also host annual holiday feedings during which, we provide hundreds of families with hot meals.

If you would like to find out how you can signup to assist us with our volunteer endeavors, click here to learn more.

Join Our E-Media Team!

We have been blessed with the opportunity to have an ever-growing global ministry. As a result, we have a ton of e-related assignments that we invite you to participate in by joining one of our E-Media Teams.

Be a part of a growing and engaging Community, online.

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